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397. [mikestephens]  (09.02.2023 16:47)
Hi, I was just wondering are you updating the site now? as I used to manage to get all my Mastermix & Dmc collections but hardly see any at all now for some time.

396. Hafeez [realdeal_uk]  (29.12.2022 18:29)
Hi, please upload some of these if possible:

DMC New Year Eve Monsterjam Vol.8 (2022)
DMC Monsterjam 2022 (2 x CD)
Mastermix Grandmaster 2022 Part 1
Mastermix Grandmaster 2022 Part 2
The Mastermix Collection – Christmas & New Year (2022)

Thank you in advance
Answer: DMC Monsterjam 2022 always presented - http://gorbushka4ever.net/publ/01_december/1-1-0-3068

395. John Lee [Futronics]  (24.12.2022 21:15)
The Mega Up site to download file I do not trust as it can contact virus and can you do another download for the music instead of the Mega Up? Thanks.

394. Hafeez [realdeal_uk]  (29.11.2022 07:34)
Please refresh link

VA - [DMC] Mid Year Monsterjam 2022 [2022] Mixed by Keith Mann
Answer: Reuploaded

393. turgi lv [turgilv]  (05.11.2022 21:30)
Dear Frindes just back to use the website but all download are failed can you please advise ASAP thank cool
Answer: indicate which links do not work, it just does not happen - ALL downloads are unsuccessful

392. Roman [Romario]  (28.08.2022 00:21)
Добрый день.
Как бы дальше не сложилось, в любом случае огромное спасибо за труды.
За все это время не раз обращал внимание на то, что Горбушка становилась одним из основных источников пополнения новым материалом для многих отечественных муз. ресурсов. Жаль аналогов нет.
Удачи и еще раз спасибо.
Answer: В любом коленкоре все будет хорошо
На Горбушке меня называли Серега-золото", я всех помню

391. [Italocat]  (26.08.2022 08:44)
Hello my friend,

many many thanks for your long time work on this site. I can absolutely understand, that you need a break. I wish you all the best for the future.

Best regards
Answer: Thank you my friend
Hope that break won't last long
I am looking for an incentive for further publications on the site

390. La Mejor Musica [lamejormusica2021]  (21.08.2022 23:20)
que paso que no volvieron a poner discos de italo disco .....

389. Vladimir Klyev [kluewvladimir]  (13.08.2022 17:23)
Когда будут новые ссылки???
Answer: Вероятно когда-нибудь этот момент наступит

388. Joe Ott [leonidtaraskin61]  (15.04.2022 19:05)
Mastermix - Crate 027,28,30,31,32,33 ,can anyone upload this pls wehn have,many thx for all

387. yaro-82 onet [yaro-82]  (04.04.2022 09:04)
0   Spam
Payment method skrill does not work to the email address provided you can request another email.
Answer: If that's the case, then it's unfortunately not possible right now...
I cannot influence the sanctions policy of Western countries towards Russia
Since you are fenced off from us by an iron curtain, then only local payment methods are possible now
Sorry, have a nice time

386. John Lee [Futronics]  (26.02.2022 02:48)
Can you reload the link to DJ Fifa - Italo 130 BPM Poer Mix
Answer: Link was refreshed

385. dj [djlatinotheproducer]  (18.01.2022 06:46)
0   Spam
Hello, how do I make the payment?
Answer: I send letter to your e-mail

384. Mr. Clean [mrclean2020]  (18.01.2022 00:14)
0   Spam
Can you send me paypal info???
have problems with the payment of other providers

Answer: Hello
Unfortunately, at the moment my Paypal account cannot accept payments, probably the situation will not change in the near future

Take care, have a nice time

383. Christo Bald [Christobald]  (12.01.2022 23:27)
Bonjour à tous

DJ Nocif - Jean-Jacques Goldman - Pop 80 Megamix [2010]


The link is dead.
Can you Reup ?
Answer: Link was refreshed

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